Monday, March 30, 2009


Today I was able to see Alberto again. It was a good appointment! He was another class II, which I don't need, but we had a good time. He asked me if it would be ok if he came in everymorning so I could clean his teeth. It went pretty smooth and I think that he is one of the only people that has actually listened to my with OHI. His OH condition had improved TONS from the previous week! YAY!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Today i saw the nicest patient! He was supposed to be a class V-and I assumed he'd be a class IB and then I was going to hurry so that I could see a child patient that Natalie had found for me. Well, he ended up being a class II, which I didn't need! I feel badly because I can't just tell him that I don't need him and pass him on to someone that does because that would be unprofessional. So I asked Jess if she could see my little patient and I'd just finish cleaning Bob. It was a good day and he was an amazing patient! Oh, and today was the first time that I found 6 and 7mm pockets!!! It was amazing how the probe literally just drops into those pockets. It was FUN day!

Monday, March 23, 2009


UG!!! Today was a nightmare!!! My patient called me at 7am and told me she was having terrbile back pain and counldn't come in!! She was my class III and denture patient!!!! I WAS LIVID!!! And she was my patient for next monday too! So, I got on the phone and had some people that knew spanish talk for me and at around 9:30 FINALLY I had a patient come in (Alberto). He needed x-rays and he was a class II at 16 years-old!!! Well, I just got through the OD and he'll be coming back next week. I'm just glad I got to see a patient!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Today I finished up my patient that is a drummer in a band. It was a really easy cleaning and we got done pretty fast and it went smooth. Not much to say......

Monday, March 16, 2009


I saw Celina today. She was a wonderful patient! She understood all that we did and was great! I got some x-rays done on her and she was a class II for me!!! YAY!!! I am getting faster with my patients!!! Although she was a class II I got her done in ONE appointment WITH taking x-rays!!! *mini party for me!!*

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Nick and Caroyl

Today was a doosy!!! I saw Nick who was an 11-your-old and I was crossing my fingers that he would be a 1A because I needed some of those....however, he was a 1B. But he had braces so that was a fun experinence to clean someone with braces. I was kind of trying to see if I could see 2 patients on the same day, and so I say Caroyl later on that day. I chose for her to come in because she only had aobut 10 teeth and a full upper denture. She came in with her husband (full upper and lower denture) and I gave all of these dentures away to other students because I didn't have time to see them and because I have another patient coming in with 2 partials next week. It was fun and super easy to clean Caryol's mouth. All in all a good day, but I was WAY behind.

Monday, March 2, 2009


March 2, 2009
DARAH!! Oh man I love my lil buddy! She came in today and got her teeth all clean. (Not that they were even dirty) I was SO excited because it was the first time I got to finish a patient in ONE APPOINTMENT!! (Mini party for me!!!) She was an easy 1B and it was a fantastic appointment!