Oh man, Monday was like the biggest nightmare on earth! I was scaling on Staci and I SUCKED! I kept hurting her, then she kept getting chills, then I was hurting her more, and I kept having the wrong angles.....I HATED IT! I got so frustrated and Staci could totally tell that I just wanted to give up and NEVER COME BACK! So, I just stopped and told Staci it was her turn (it actually was time to switch....yay!) What it was Staci's turn, she needed some help from an instructor and it took 30 minutes for one to mosey on over to the "forgotten pod." She was SUPER frustrated and kept making me bleed everywhere. It wasn't hurting super bad, my gums were just a little tender I guess. Anyway, I am NOT a huge fan of scaling right now....I better get better soon!
12 years ago
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