Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today was my Class III patient! I only needed 2 more quads and she ended up being 2 of a Class II and 2 of a Class III. I also took a FMX on her to finish up my requirments on that-and she also needed one. Well, she spoke broken english-mostly spanish-UG! Well, I had finished up with her x-rays and she told me that she needed to go pick up her daughter from school! So I had no choice but to let her do that. So I waited around and ended up only finishing one quad of a Class III. So I have to bring her back-which she was not happy about! Also I had to rely on Pam to explain perio to her and that she needed to get her wisdom teeth ext and come back. UG! I wish I spoke Spanish----strike that---I wish that those who live in AMERICA spoke ENGLISH!!!