Monday, September 15, 2008

Intra-oral PE

We were real today! We practiced inside the mouth! Staci and I were pod partners again (love that girl) and we got to practice doing extra oral exams on eachother. We both had some fun things that were different in each other's mouths. I had a leukoplaik (sp?) lesion inside the right cheek were I apparently have a cheek biting problem.....didn't know. Also, today Prof Costley had the idea to get the larger blood pressure cuff and VOILA I had normal blood pressure again! Great discovery. I also passed off my Vitals PE on Professor Costley and did great, except I forgot to have her uncross her ankles. Darn. But I know my stuff and I did good. So, that was clinic today! It's really fun to actually be practicing this stuff for real!