So, I am listening to Escape (the pina colada song) as I am writing this and I am just about the happiest person on the planet! I had a BLAST in school today, which I'm quite sure is from my severe lack of sleep the last week (esp last night, I was out with Rigby and Gill playing on the town---he just got back from the mish in Wisconsin baby!!!) Anyway, so today in clinic we did some probing and it was DANG HARD!!! After like 45 minutes, I was getting used to it....kind of. I am realizing that it is all about the angulaiton that doesn't hurt the patient. If it's off, then it KILLS! So, it was Staci's turn next and she did so good! She got a mucho long time to practice, and my cheek was raw from retraction, but all in all she did great! We are just getting used to all of this new stuff and I sure do hope that we can get better.....I don't want to hurt my patients. Staci was such a champ and didn't even complain when I poked her, but I need to practice more, so she'll know better than to be a good patient. Oh, and they found some weird stuff in my mouth, like some recession, and some weird ledge that is apparently bonding stuff from my braces 12 YEARS AGO!!!!! What the heck?!?! How is that still there? Why did nobody remove that from my mouth! GROSS!!!!!
Also, Staci and I realized that we laugh WAY too much! As we looked around the clinic today, everyone was all serious and we were laughing our bums off! I don't know why, we are just funny people I guess. We are always doing what we are supposed to.....but we just laugh all the time. I'm sure that people in the clinic are getting SO sick of hearing my loud laugh.....but....that's me I guess......
Ok, so this post is forever long, but we were having a blast in radiology (as usual....) and I heard something that reminded me of the song monster mash and I told everyone how excited I was for this time of year because they randomly play the moster mash on the radio and I love that song. So then, like 10 seconds later......IT CAME ON THE RADIO!!! I about died! LOL! I just love my life! I just love Staci and Abby and all my girls in DH. love and hugs to all ya all. Great times.......
ok, so I think I'm done now...... peace out!
12 years ago
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